The BAE Method

The BAE Method

Best Arms Ever is an innovative and proprietary method using custom bands and light weights to beautify the entire upper body. Our band workouts tone the arms, firm the abs and sculpt the back, and our light weight workouts create gorgeous lines and contours of the arms, highlighting the natural shape of the muscles without increasing their size.

Experience Your BAE:

Best Arms Ever

We Don't Build Bodies - We Beautify Them

The BAE RX: 4x a Week

Create beautiful results by alternating band days with weight days, 4 times per week.
BAE Method

Master the Foundation Workouts

Alternate band and weight days with the Foundation Workouts until you achieve mastery. Once you are comfortable with the movements, you're ready to progress to our 30-minute, choreographed workouts.

Choose Your Workout

Mix it up with your choice of workout from our 30-minute library. Continue alternating band and weight days, committing to a minimum of 4 workouts per week.

The BAE Bands

The BAE Bands

Band workouts design way more than your arms. We believe it’s the fastest way to get the most beautiful upper body of your life. These sculpting workouts use our custom resistance bands to shape all your accessory muscles, tone the tricpes, firm the abs and define the back. When you finish your workout, you'll feel like you just swam a couple miles, but you'll never have to get your hair wet, put on a swimsuit or jump into a pool. Hello sleevless tees.

  • Theraputic in nature
  • Full joint mobility and range of motion
  • Muscles move in synchronization (not isolation)
  • Activates the core
  • Improves shoulder stabilization and posture.
  • Patented design custom made for the BAE program
  • Mimics swimming and Pilates
  • Tone and lenghten muscles
The BAE Weights

Please Note: Weights NOT included in BAE Kit and must be purchased separately.

Weights for BAE

Light weights are essential to the BAE program. Using 2-3 pound weights will round the shoulders and accentuate lines and contours of the arms, abs and back muscles. The goal is moving weight through the body, which is achieved by lighter weight.

BAE weight days move the upper body differently than BAE band days. The combination of the two BAE workouts is the secret to Red Carpet ready arms.

  • Contours the muscles
  • Brings out the natural shape of the arms
  • Allows for free range of motion
  • Sculpts the obliques
  • Improves posture
  • Creates confidence in moving the body naturally
  • Expressive, fluid movements for full body engagement